Some Recently Released Music

Airstrip One- Bobby Previte from "The Coalition Of The Willing"
Memory Hole- Bobby Previte from "The Coalition Of The Willing"

Can't Stop- Roy Hargrove from "Reflections And Distractions"

Mwandishi Outcome Jam- Christian McBride from "Live At Tonic"
Ab Minor Jam- Christian McBride from "Live At Tonic"

amazinG, is that book yours? seems that many of its predicti0ns came true, like the 9-11 "bombing"...
thanks aGain f0r these mp3's, I am downloadiNg them now. it's always a pleasUre for me to check this sitE, it's really like g0ing to a thrift sure except without the horrid smeLL and duSt and irate seLler!
p.s is that your handwriting 0n the page? ^^
I found this book at a hardware store where they had a pile of books for 25 cents each. That's not my handwriting, but it's written all through the book. It's like a crazy persons rambling. It definately had a musty thrift store smell to it.
crazy persons rambling, as stated by Miss F, pretty true for today also. Thanks for the share as always!
"Airstrip One" is incredible.
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