Audio Clips From Films

Here are some audio clips I edited from various DVDs in my collection. All in FLAC format.
"Charlie!" from 'Cheech And Chong's Next Movie'
"How Could You Not Touch Yourself" from 'Fellini's Amarcord'
"Do U Mind If I Ask U A Personal Question?" from '2001: A Space Odyssey'
"Bring Cash U Little Jerk" from 'Eating Raoul'
"Christ, Did A Cow Shit In Here?" from 'Kentucky Fried Movie'
"Charlie, That's A Nice Name, Charlie" from 'The African Queen'
"Always Pickin' On Me" from 'Social Egineering 101'
"Fall In The Mud And Get Kicked" from 'Airplane!'
"How About Some Music" from 'Pee Wee's Big Adventure'
"I Loathe Life" from 'Midnight Cowboy'
"Full Penalty Of The Law" from 'Mr. Toads Wild Ride'
"I Can't Bring My Wife 2 Orgasm" from 'Top Secret!'
"Thank U Grace I Think You're Wrong" from 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'
"Jive Turkey So Close 2 Thanksgiving" from 'Trading Places'
"My Friend Patty Promised Me A Blowjob" from 'The Jerk'
"What's A Dazzling Urbanite Like U Doing In A Place Like This?" from 'Blazing Saddles'
"You're Discusting But I Love You" from 'Love & Death'
"I Would'nt Suck You're Lousy Dick.." from 'Female Trouble'
"She Was Drunk With Wine And Love" from 'The Wild Bunch'
"Fighting 4 Survival" from 'Burden Of Dreams'
"I Know That U Know That I Know" from 'The Last Emperor
"What A Pathetic Creature I Am" from 'Brazil'
Here are all the above files in one rar file:
Audio Clips From Films password: TITS
{Re-Uploaded August 2012}
Oh yeah, this is a birthday post
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